Configuring Erigon

The Erigon 3 CLI has a wide range of flags that can be used to customize its behavior. Here's a breakdown of some of the flags, see Options for the full list:

Data Storage

  • --datadir: Set the data directory for the databases (default: /home/usr/.local/share/erigon)
  • --ethash.dagdir: Set the directory to store the ethash mining DAGs (default: /home/usr/.local/share/erigon-ethash)
  • --database.verbosity Enabling internal db logs. Very high verbosity levels may require recompile db. Default: 2, means warning. (default: 2)


  • --log.json: Format console logs with JSON (default: false)
  • --log.console.json: Format console logs with JSON (default: false)
  • --log.dir.json: Format file logs with JSON (default: false)
  • --verbosity: Set the log level for console logs (default: info)
  • --log.console.verbosity: Set the log level for console logs (default: info)
  • --log.dir.disable: Disable disk logging (default: false)
  • --log.dir.path: Set the path to store user and error logs to disk
  • --log.dir.prefix: Set the file name prefix for logs stored to disk
  • --log.dir.verbosity: Set the log verbosity for logs stored to disk (default: info)
  • --log.delays: Enable block delay logging (default: false)

Pruning Presets

  • --prune.mode: Choose a pruning preset: archive, full, or minimal (default: full) see also Type of node
  • --prune.distance: Keep state history for the latest N blocks (default: everything) (default: 0)
  • --prune.distance.blocks: Keep block history for the latest N blocks (default: everything) (default: 0)

Performance Optimization

  • --batchSize: Set the batch size for the execution stage (default: 512M)
  • --bodies.cache: Limit the cache for block bodies (default: 268435456)
  • --private.api.addr: Set the internal grpc API address (default:
  • --private.api.ratelimit: Set the amount of requests the server can handle simultaneously (default: 31872)


  • --txpool.api.addr: Set the txPool api network address (default: use value of --private.api.addr)
  • --txpool.disable Experimental external pool and block producer, see ./cmd/txpool/ for more info. Disabling internal txpool and block producer. (default: false)
  • --txpool.pricebump Price bump percentage to replace an already existing transaction (default: 10)
  • --txpool.pricelimit Minimum gas price (fee cap) limit to enforce for acceptance into the pool (default: 1)
  • --txpool.locals: Comma separated accounts to treat as locals (no flush, priority inclusion)
  • --txpool.nolocals: Disables price exemptions for locally submitted transactions (default: false)
  • --txpool.accountslots: Set the minimum number of executable transaction slots guaranteed per account (default: 16)
  • --txpool.blobslots: Set the max allowed total number of blobs (within type-3 txs) per account (default: 48)
  • --txpool.blobpricebump: Price bump percentage to replace existing (type-3) blob transaction (default: 100)
  • --txpool.totalblobpoollimit: Set the total limit of number of all blobs in txs within the txpool (default: 480)
  • --txpool.globalslots: Set the maximum number of executable transaction slots for all accounts (default: 10000)
  • --txpool.globalbasefeeslots: Set the maximum number of non-executable transactions where only not enough baseFee (default: 30000)
  • --txpool.accountqueue: Set the maximum number of non-executable transaction slots permitted per account (default: 64)
  • --txpool.globalqueue: Set the maximum number of non-executable transaction slots for all accounts (default: 30000)
  • --txpool.lifetime: Set the maximum amount of time non-executable transaction are queued (default: 3h0m0s)
  • --txpool.trace.senders: Set the comma-separated list of addresses, whose transactions will traced in transaction pool with debug printing
  • --txpool.commit.every: Set the how often transactions should be committed to the storage (default: 15s)

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

  • --rpc.accessList: Specify granular (method-by-method) API allowlist
  • --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs: Allow for unprotected (non-EIP155 signed) transactions to be submitted via RPC (default: false)
  • --rpc.batch.concurrency: Limit the amount of goroutines to process 1 batch request (default: 2)
  • --rpc.streaming.disable: Disable json streaming for some heavy endpoints
  • --rpc.accessList: Specify granular (method-by-method) API allowlist
  • --rpc.gascap: Set a cap on gas that can be used in eth_call/estimateGas (default: 50000000)
  • --rpc.batch.limit: Set the maximum number of requests in a batch (default: 100)
  • --rpc.returndata.limit: Set the maximum number of bytes returned from eth_call or similar invocations (default: 100000)
  • --rpc.allow-unprotected-txs: Allow for unprotected (non-EIP155 signed) transactions to be submitted via RPC (default: false)
  • --rpc.maxgetproofrewindblockcount.limit: Set the max GetProof rewind block count (default: 100000)
  • --rpc.txfeecap: Set a cap on transaction fee (in ether) that can be sent via the RPC APIs (0 = no cap) (default: 1)

Network and Peers

  • --chain: Set the name of the network to join (default: mainnet)
  • --dev.period: Set the block period to use in developer mode (0 = mine only if transaction pending) (default: 0)
  • --maxpeers: Set the maximum number of network peers (network disabled if set to 0) (default: 100)
  • --nodiscover: Disable the peer discovery mechanism (manual peer addition) (default: false)
  • --netrestrict: Restrict network communication to the given IP networks (CIDR masks)
  • --trustedpeers: Set the comma-separated enode URLs which are always allowed to connect, even above the peer limit


  • --externalcl: Enables the external consensus layer (default: false)
  • --override.prague: Manually specify the Prague fork time, overriding the bundled setting (default: 0)
  • --pprof: Enable the pprof HTTP server (default: false)
  • --metrics: Enable metrics collection and reporting (default: false)
  • --diagnostics: Disable diagnostics (default: false)
  • --config: Set erigon flags from YAML/TOML file
  • --help: Show help
  • --version: Print the version