
Lighthouse is another popular client that combined with Erigon can be used for block building. The necessary steps to run Erigon with Lightouse are listed here following:

  1. Start Erigon with the flag --externalcl to allow a external Consesus Layer:

    ./build/bin/erigon --externalcl
  2. Install Lighthouse by following the official instructions.

  3. Lighthouse must fully synchronize before Erigon can start syncing, since Erigon requires an existing target head to sync to. The quickest way to get Lighthouse synced is to use a public checkpoint synchronization endpoint from the list at

    In order to communicate with Erigon the execution endpoint <erigon address>:8551 must be specified, where <erigon address> is either //localhost or the IP address of the device running Erigon.

    Lighthouse must point to the JWT secret automatically created by Erigon in the datadir directory (in the below example the default data directory is used).

    lighthouse bn \
    --network mainnet \
    --execution-endpoint http://localhost:8551 \
    --execution-jwt /home/usr/.local/share/erigon/jwt.hex \
    --checkpoint-sync-url \

    If your Lighthouse is on a different device, add --authrpc.addr (Engine API listens on localhost by default) as well as --authrpc.vhosts <CL host>.